Spirit Teachings

The Power of Prayer

Layered with our own cognitive world of being, lies another true and relative reality.

It appears the same, if looked at from a purely physical perspective. But it exists upon a non-physical realm of being.

In this veiled, yet co-existing realm, only the power of our thoughts and prayers create impact.

Let me say that again.

Lying in harmony with the physical reality we most commonly know, exists a valid and vital reality that creates change and impact through the natural power of our thoughts and prayers alone.

Not one ounce of physical action is required to affect change and yet we perpetually create our physical reality with the PURITY of our heart-felt thoughts on that plane of being.

So often we believe that our prayers are petitions to those heavenly masters with the authority and ability to affect change for us. But our heart-felt thoughts and prayers are the directive to ORDAIN ALL as we wish.

In order to act and create on this alternate non-physical realm, all directives must be shared from a pure state of confident truth. They must originate in your heart space.

These prayers need not be verbally expressed or formulated. They need only be an expression of your genuine heart’s desire. For that is the language of this alternate realm.   

As you believe it, conceive it, and know it to be plausible and real, so you place all in motion to welcome it into your physical experience.

Our heart-felt prayers are enough to affect change!!

Believing is KEY to creating our chosen reality.

See mountains moving for you, prosperous paths birthing themselves for you, and support flowing to you in all moments – and so it shall be.

The celestial masters and universal authorities lie in support of our prayers and intentions, not in merciful judgment of them.

They are waiting to joyfully and blissfully coCreate with us.

Even now, in this moment, they await our directive.

B E L I E V E   I T

…and it will be ♥

© Alania Starhawk 2014

5 thoughts on “The Power of Prayer”

  1. Hi again! I hit the send button too soon by mistake as I was writing you the last email in response to your wonderful blog post. But I just wanted to let you know that I love to read your posts and I appreciate your messages very much. I am so excited at all that has transpired for you and how you are stretching out and reaching many so many people with your messages of love and life. I find them very encouraging. All the messages that you ever gave me were very truthful and certainly, despite my concerns about what seemed often like hopeless situations, the outcome in the end was more magical and wonderful than anything I would ever have dreamed would have happened. At least as far as my three girls are concerned, I feel so blessed that their lives have taken a turn into the world that they dreamed to create for themselves and they are all very happy and satisfied with their lives and it seems that more and more opportunities are opening up for each of them to continue to grow & touch other lives. I myself am learning to live all alone and my heart is healing from the loss of my best friend, Audra, to cancer and of the man that I love and most recently of my German Shepherd of 13 years. I am enjoying working with crystals more and more and hope to be able to see you soon and enjoy your crystals and learn more from you about them. I have been using them in prayer work and healing and Reiki and have seen some marvelous healings and answers to prayer. It seems like since I am alone I have more time to spend working with the crystals and saying the prayers for the many people who now call me and ask me to pray for them and their special needs and sometimes they ask me to come to them when they are in the hospital and such. Often God will give me words of encouragement for them and it is very nice to feel like God is using me to help touch people and comfort them.

    Alania, thank you so much for all that you share with us.

    Your friend, Joy

    Sent from my iPhone


    1. Oh my beautiful JOY ~ you have seen such great MIRACLES in your life!!! I’m so incredibly happy for you!!! You are a true ANGEL on this earth…and I know that as far as you have come…your true journey of Awakening…to fully HONOR THE BEAUTY YOU ARE…is still just beginning!!!

      As those around you find their peace and sense of stability…so you will have the privilege of discovering what LIFE has yet to shower upon you as BLESSINGS DIVINE!!

      Anchor yourself sweet sister….true LOVE is flowing to you in all ways!! Thank you for honoring me, and walking with me on this ever-expansive journey!! I love you!!!! ~ Alania

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