Channeled Messages

Creating Our Reality

Because all experience is perfect and pure, no choice can ever be “better” than another, and judgment does not exist.

All perception of lack, imbalance, and dis-ease is illusion.

The TRUTH is that we are eternally supported. We hold the power of all infinite potential within, and we never compromise our security in order to explore every nuance of living authentically.

All perception of imbalance and lack has been self-imposed.

We become sick and defeated because we believe that we are weak. But no outside force ever has control over us.

Our experience of lack and disempowerment is by choice.


It must be. 

By natural law, it must be.


We are the Creators of our reality.

All we see is a reflection of our current understanding of Truth, not a reflection of imposed circumstance.

The reality that our circumstance must slowly heal or transform is held together by belief. In truth, we are using our vital energy to HOLD this illusion in play.

All can instantly and effortlessly return to its original state of emPowered BEing the moment WE BELIEVE that BEing perfect, pure, secure, and safe is our reality

It is always our privileged right to remove the veils of illusion and limitation, to make space for that which inspires and uplifts.

We need not wait for difficult circumstance to move us into the next best experience. Hold a clear vision of what you wish to intimately know.

Breathe LIFE into that perception of BEing.

All will soon transform, because it must.

We are the Creators of our reality.

This message is important for me to personally claim and embrace, because I am brave witness to all of the itty-bitty little insecurities that sometimes call our name.

The particulars of each tricky and manipulative thought is unimportant. They would be different according to which day of the week it happens to be. We all have them, if we’re honest and true.

As I asked for support this particular morning, Spirit responded with a comical little message. They said:

You are wallowing. So wallow. Allow yourSelf this experience, and let us know when you are ready to step into your power. We’ll be here, loving you, as you are.

It’s all a choice.

I took the full morning to sit and resonate, but I reClaim my inherent power now.

I ask to see through all illusion, so that I may passionately create my exquisite reality with power and purpose.

I am ready.

I accept. 

Let it be. 

© Alania Starhawk 2018



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