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Shadows to Light: An Evolution of Truth

Join me, Alania Starhawk, for an unprecedented ONLINE program of enlightened Truth and Awareness! 

“The light you seek is not with you, as a companion upon your journey. It is you, full and complete.”

~ Divine Spirit
as channeled by Alania Starhawk

As we approach this year’s Spring Equinox, I have been sensing the presence of an epic soul expansion! I see the gates—between this realm and the higher realms— opening wide to welcome us through. 

But, in order to accept every BOUNDLESS BLESSING that flows, we have to release our attachments to every shadow and illusion that may be.

It’s time to understand the deeper mysteries of Shadows and Light—so that we can understand the potential that we hold and the power that we wield. 

This is a divinely guided program!

Spirit is asking me to generously SHARE THESE TEACHINGS with everyone who would be blessed.

So, I’m making this program available to all!! Every empowered channeling and sacred teaching will be posted to both YouTube and Facebook.

Every morning between Friday, March 13th and Thursday, March 19th—the Spring Equinox—you will have be able to directly receive the insights and teachings that Spirit wishes to share. 

The Teachings…

Day 1 What is Shadow? What is Light? Why are they both part of our journey?

Day 2 Transmuting Fear, Lack, and Limitation! Learning how to disempower the illusions so that Choice is always yours.

Day 3 Understanding Karmic Patterns! How our past affects our current belief systems. Learning to reprogram those beliefs.

Day 4 Akashic Clearing! Let’s experience a collective clearing to support our evolutionary journey. 

Day 5 Creating a Grid of Light! Invoking support, inspiration, and truth in a sacred way.

Day 6 Living Empowered! Independent and free from our environmental conditions. Understanding co-existing realities and multi-dimensional truths. 

Day 7 Trusting the Light to Be Your Truth! Ascension. Awakening, Remembrance. 

The Exchange…

These seven days of enlightened teachings will carry us into the SPRING EQUINOX with clarity, power, and focus!!

In order for all to be easily accessible for everyone—as Spirit is requesting—I am not denoting any amount for our exchange.

However, because I do intend to share a lot of beautiful energy, I am opening to all contributions from the infinite realms of divine abundance and light. 

If you feel blessed and supported by this experience, I joyfully welcome your generous heart-centered contribution!! What feels gentle and loving to you?? 

Yes! I’d love to thank Alania.

Each of your beautiful contributions supports me and everything I passionately share. THANK YOU!! I so appreciate you. 

How to Connect…

YouTubeSubscribe to my channel! A new video will be posted each morning between Friday, March 13th and Thursday, March 19th. These are profound teachings!! Please create space to listen with clear intent. 

FacebookJoin our “Awakening Divine Self” Facebook Group! A new video will be posted each morning between Friday, March 13th and Thursday, March 19th. These are profound teachings!! Please create space to listen with clear intent. 

Meet Your Guide:

Alania Starhawk

Divine Channel | Spiritual Mentor | Sacred Visionary

Alania’s beautiful gift of sight and knowing can assist you in connecting to your own guides, guardians, higher self, and ancient truth. Through inspirational messages and channelings, lightbody activations, and cellular downloads, she brings support to your earth journey and your own soul’s expansion. She effortlessly radiates the Light and Truth that powerfully awakens the “I AM” in you.

Contact Alania:

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