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We’re In This Together

We’re all on one single journey, together.

Is that so hard to imagine??

We’ve given so much credence to the walls and the identities that we’ve built, that we sometimes forget that we’re all the same. 

Take away the various labels of “who” and “what” we believe ourselves to be, along with every territorial boundary (great and small), and we see ourselves as one collective family – just trying to figure it all out.

It’s easy to detect “separation” upon the grander scales. But are you willing to recognize the walls of denial and fear that we empower each day, within our own psyches?? 

I will bravely acknowledge that there a million things that I have yet to love about myself, no matter how I try. I’m also wise enough to know that my own innocent insecurities creates separation between myself and those around me.

When we feel vulnerable and insecure, we create space and distance between ourselves and those we love. 

We’re all doing it!!

Imagine this world now, from this point of view.

Imagine this world now, with self-imposed separation across the globe. 

Can you sense that all of this “separation”, between ourselves and others, breeds disharmony and discord?? 

As a fact, we instinctively wish to validate why the space is needed, by focusing on the differences that might be. But this only strengthens the separation that is.

What if all hearts began to unite, melting all emotional and physical divide?? 

Would we be comfortable in that raw state of vulnerability??

I’ll repeat my sentiment above. There a million things I have yet to love about myself, but I’d like to know that I am loved and accepted as I am.

With this GIFT of human compassion, perhaps all of my self-imposed judgment within can finally heal. Thereby clearing all resistance between myself and the world that surrounds me. 

I am not a lonely person. I deeply adore solitude and alone-time. But, I’m tired of feeling “alone”.

I’d like to ultimately believe that I am accepted as I am, and I am certain that every other soul wants to feel the same.

We are not so different.

We all want to be accepted, loved, and supported. In times of celebration, and in times of grief. 

This is a vital aspect of Humanity’s Evolution, to move from a “me” to “we” mentality (as a sweet sister recently expressed).

In truth, we are in this together!!

We can create walls of divide and separation, together; Or we can create bonds of unity and support, together.

It all begins here, with your very next thought.

Let it be one of love. 

© Alania Starhawk 2019

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