Does your Soul call out to Remember who you truly are?

We didn’t incarnate so that we would forget who we are. We incarnated into this beautiful earthly form so that we could discover who we are. This is why we breathe, we step forward, we trust in the happy ending, and we reach for the stars. It’s all part of a great big timeless desire to know ourselves!!

~ Alania Starhawk

Join Alania on a journey into Sacred Remembrance—where you become the center of all creative life-force and empowered potential.

Are you ready to:

  • Reclaim Your Personal Power and Truth
  • Trust In A Safe, Supportive, and Abundant World
  • Heal All Sense of Resistance and Insecurity
  • Tap Into Your Own Infinite Nature
  • Give Voice To The Wisdom You Hold Within
  • Express Yourself Freely with Compassion and Love

These are 1:1 intuitive counseling sessions, where all is focused upon awakening YOUR greatest potential and truth. Alania incorporates Akashic Healing, Lightbody Activations, Karmic ReProgramming, Spiritual Mentorship, and Sacred Teachings into all that she passionately shares.


Alania Starhawk is a divine channel, a sacred visionary, and a spiritual mentor. But, most of all, she is a truth seeker. During her life's most profound moment of challenge and transformation, she allowed big questions like "Who am I?" and "What is this life for?" to push her into new realms of conscious discovery. Her curiosity led her into direct communication with God and the Divine, which also awakened an intimate relationship with her own infinite power and potential.

Alania is now passionate about supporting humanity's evolution and spiritual awakening. She encourages us to rise from our own self-imposed limitations, so that we can learn to trust in the blessings that are already available to us. She teaches us to access our own inner source of wisdom, truth, and love.

You entered into my life when I needed your beautiful light and love the most. You have reopened a closed door in my soul and shared with me those things that only you can, in the ways that only you can. Love you dearly!!

~ Kathy F.

Alania touched my HEART when I really needed to hear a special message. We have met only briefly but she has left a mark in my world.

~ Sue H.