Mystical Musings

Human Journeys…and Separation

I know that "saying good-bye" is a human concept. It appears superfluous and silly from the higher realms of being. And yet, it is sometimes an important part of our personal journey. How can I tell myself that I am worthy of only respect and heart-centered kindness, unless I bravely "say good-bye" to those who… Continue reading Human Journeys…and Separation

Mystical Musings

The Spiral Dance of a Soul Relationship

To be entwined with a pure soul who SEES our greater truth, and then to dance the spiral dance that brings us to and fro, can lift our hearts to soar and explore or to plunge them deep into a shadowy abyss. For this is the spiral dance of a SOUL relationship!!   Every spark… Continue reading The Spiral Dance of a Soul Relationship