Expanding Consciousness

Discernment in Spirituality

Spirituality brings us into communion with our own sacred light and voice. It brings us closer to God, Source, and all that is indefinable. By its very nature, its essence will be unique for each soul, because it is personal for each soul. There are countless mentors, teachers, and gurus in all walks of life,… Continue reading Discernment in Spirituality


I Breathed Through The Wrath Today

I breathed through the wrath today.  Does that surprise you?? Some old emotions were triggered within me. And as I gave voice to those emotions, I imagined directing the seemingly deserved blame and fury against those who appear to perpetuate the original act of injustice. In that moment, it felt as if I have the… Continue reading I Breathed Through The Wrath Today

Mystical Musings

Human Journeys…and Separation

I know that "saying good-bye" is a human concept. It appears superfluous and silly from the higher realms of being. And yet, it is sometimes an important part of our personal journey. How can I tell myself that I am worthy of only respect and heart-centered kindness, unless I bravely "say good-bye" to those who… Continue reading Human Journeys…and Separation


Loving Those In Shadowed Spaces

In this often complicated world, it's important to recognize that many radiant souls have a difficult time trusting the Light that flows through their own spirit. Nothing can negate or diminish that true force of divine presence, ever. But each soul has the right to trust their own Light for guidance and direction or to… Continue reading Loving Those In Shadowed Spaces



No matter your belief, your faith, your heritage, your education, your experience, your hue, your age, your size, your status, your demeanor, your dogma or your persuasion........ You are a singular and unique reflection of the One. ONE LIGHT · ONE TRUTH · ONE GOD · ONE CREATOR · ONE UNIVERSAL SOURCE · ONE TIMELESS JOURNEY · ONE EVER-FLOWING RIVER of ENERGY… Continue reading ONE HEART ♥


Subtle Growth Brings Great Change

I was staring into the Heart of a great big Grandfather Oak tree when the sweet message of Ever-expanding Growth flowed to me. I began to genuinely appreciate the impressive size of each supporting branch and the immeasurable number of individual leaves. All unique aspects of this amazing tree took time to grow, expand, and… Continue reading Subtle Growth Brings Great Change

Channeled Messages

A World of Silent Wonder

I find myself craving for and connecting to the stillness lately. There's a sacred point within all apparent creation and experience that speaks an unspoken message of magnificent truth. That's the stillness I speak of. It's so often lost in the cacophony of "worldly experience" that distracts us. But.....it is all-pervading and shall always speak… Continue reading A World of Silent Wonder

Mystical Musings

What Love Is ♥

Love does not conform or mold to fit any preconceived beliefs that can be. It doesn't Love "in spite of", and it doesn't make allowances or set unjust expectations. It simply is, genuine and pure. It is the Spark of God-Light manifest. It is the Gift of LIFE in sweet motion. It is the Wonder of BLISS… Continue reading What Love Is ♥

Channeled Messages

A Channeled Message of “Divine Perfection”

Dear Spirit, how do those who are striving to live from a heart-space lovingly co-create with and communicate with someone who is driven by the structure of this physical world?? I hold truth in my heart that can not be validated in the physical and therefore can not be understood by someone who seeks validation… Continue reading A Channeled Message of “Divine Perfection”


Prayers For Those We Love

Our prayers make a difference!! We may not always have the magic words to "make it all better". But our single prayer to surround those we love in waves of Peace, Truth, and Love does make a difference. These heart-felt prayers bring comfort to those we cherish as they navigate through their own soul's journey.… Continue reading Prayers For Those We Love