
To Breathe from Source

There's a point in all universal Beingness, that I envision as the SOURCE of all life-force. In this sacred point of divine presence, all reSource can be found. This perfect point of Light births all and heals all. When it's important for me to remember who I am, or to see clearly in a moment… Continue reading To Breathe from Source

Channeled Messages

Designing the Soul Challenges

My heart was pure and filled with integrity, as I sought to help a challenged soul free themselves from the fires of conflict and confusion. In spirit, I set a sacred circle of Light to support the clearing that would take place. I held clear intentions to reach the SOUL behind the mask of trauma,… Continue reading Designing the Soul Challenges

Spirit Teachings

Ego and The White Bag

Without judgment, the Ego holds this bounded world of structure, order, and physicality in place. It's the voice within, that shields us from the infinite and formless within all moments and experiences. And it does so, so that we can soulfully explore the depths of duality and forgetfulness, until we're ready for more!! In essence,… Continue reading Ego and The White Bag


A Guilt-free Reality

"Trust yourself." "Remember who you are." "Honor your own sacred voice." As we step into greater self-empowerment and sovereignty, we are encouraged to follow these words of loving advice. These thoughts of encouragement are designed to redirect our source of power and focus to a point within our precious self, so that we may begin to… Continue reading A Guilt-free Reality


Loving Those In Shadowed Spaces

In this often complicated world, it's important to recognize that many radiant souls have a difficult time trusting the Light that flows through their own spirit. Nothing can negate or diminish that true force of divine presence, ever. But each soul has the right to trust their own Light for guidance and direction or to… Continue reading Loving Those In Shadowed Spaces


Subtle Growth Brings Great Change

I was staring into the Heart of a great big Grandfather Oak tree when the sweet message of Ever-expanding Growth flowed to me. I began to genuinely appreciate the impressive size of each supporting branch and the immeasurable number of individual leaves. All unique aspects of this amazing tree took time to grow, expand, and… Continue reading Subtle Growth Brings Great Change

Affirmations and Invocations

Love YourSELF ♥

Are you still looking outside of yourSelf for guidance and support?? Are you subconsciously elevating the confident voices and opinions of others before your own?? Stand AWARE of the wise and brilliant Force you are!! Only YOU can discern what is best, natural, and fitting for your unique spirit in all moments. Don't deny your Self.… Continue reading Love YourSELF ♥

Expanding Consciousness

Healing Naturally with the Akashic Field of Light

On an unseen vibration of infinite potential, lies an ever-flowing river of truth and knowledge. It exists beyond the frequency of space and time, and holds information that can assist us in understanding the great tapestry of Life. As all experience unfolds itself in infinitesimal complexity, an impression of that experience is naturally recorded into… Continue reading Healing Naturally with the Akashic Field of Light

Spirit Teachings

Whispering A World Into BEing

Can you sense that your Soul's Call is powerful enough to awaken the cosmos in all of its infinite nature?? When the Spirit that lies within your being truly Knows what it wants, that passionate Knowing carries out a voiceless call to all universal energies who wish to support you on your journey. Just your… Continue reading Whispering A World Into BEing