Expanding Consciousness

One Final Rise Beyond “All Challenge”

I passionately run forward into the "everything" that awaits. The beauty, the bounty, and the love; I run towards it all. And yet, this intense forward motion seems to be a series of short sprints, rather than an epic marathon of uncompromising growth and expansion. Life always seems to reveal one attention-needing dynamic after another… Continue reading One Final Rise Beyond “All Challenge”

Expanding Consciousness

Dreams of An Ancient Martyr

My dreams, last night, were filled with memories of the many relationships and situations in my life that felt less than supportive and nurturing. As a person that excels at being "positive" in life, I did my best to ignore those memories in the first half-dozen dreams. But the dreams went on and so did… Continue reading Dreams of An Ancient Martyr

Channeled Messages

Finding “ME” in the Shadows of What Was

We are complex beings. We still hold attachments to ancient memories, allowing those past insecurities and fears to shape the way we see life. We still react to the past, which is gone and complete, as if it were speaking to us right now. We don’t always feel bound to these past emotional wounds. But… Continue reading Finding “ME” in the Shadows of What Was

Channeled Messages

Looking for Love: A Channeled Message

As I sit in stillness, I sense my own Higher Self speaking to me. And through Her, I sense your own Higher Self speaking to you. Accept and Receive. I see you. You wish to love and be loved. Those privileges can never be taken from you. If one soul is unable to love you… Continue reading Looking for Love: A Channeled Message


To Breathe from Source

There's a point in all universal Beingness, that I envision as the SOURCE of all life-force. In this sacred point of divine presence, all reSource can be found. This perfect point of Light births all and heals all. When it's important for me to remember who I am, or to see clearly in a moment… Continue reading To Breathe from Source


Shadows Illuminated

After a very long night of dream teaching, where every dream expands upon a single point of conscious enlightenment, I hear these words echoing throughout my BEing: All shadowed expressions of Truth, yearn to be touched by the Light of acceptance. All darkness awaits illumination, at some point of innocent BEing. As far back as… Continue reading Shadows Illuminated

Channeled Messages

Creating Our Reality

Because all experience is perfect and pure, no choice can ever be "better" than another, and judgment does not exist. All perception of lack, imbalance, and dis-ease is illusion. The TRUTH is that we are eternally supported. We hold the power of all infinite potential within, and we never compromise our security in order to… Continue reading Creating Our Reality

Channeled Messages

Hand in Hand with Osiris

It's one of those days. One of those days that feels heavy, overwhelming and daunting before it ever begins. It's still dark as can be outside and I've already washed yesterday's dishes (that I just couldn't face last night), done laundry, sent off a few emails, and cooked my family a healthy breakfast (although I… Continue reading Hand in Hand with Osiris

Channeled Messages

Designing the Soul Challenges

My heart was pure and filled with integrity, as I sought to help a challenged soul free themselves from the fires of conflict and confusion. In spirit, I set a sacred circle of Light to support the clearing that would take place. I held clear intentions to reach the SOUL behind the mask of trauma,… Continue reading Designing the Soul Challenges