Virtual Events

Beyond the Veil: Channeled Messages

A Sacred Online Event Join Alania for a special evening of divine channeling and inspired insights. She has created an opportunity for you to receive empowering messages from your spiritual guardians, in an intimate group setting. This sacred circle is open to only SIX participants!  By channeling insights and guidance directly from the highest realms… Continue reading Beyond the Veil: Channeled Messages

Channeled Messages

Deeper, Still??

How can there be "more" to face, within the depths of my Self?? When will I begin to rise?? "This is not who I am", I tell myself. But, maybe that's where I'm wrong. Who am "I" if I am not everything that is authentically a part of me. I move through each door of… Continue reading Deeper, Still??

Channeled Messages

A Prophecy of Awakening

Out of the darkness and into the Light shall come the one who felt lost and alone. She shall recognize her truth and reclaim her extraordinary right to BE LIGHT full and through. In a breath soon to come all old ways will shift and shatter making room for the new. And then, from the… Continue reading A Prophecy of Awakening

Channeled Messages

Healing “Abandonment”

I'm wise enough to know that abandonment is a perception. It is a subjective truth, that binds a precious soul to the perception of loss, lack, and injustice. Can you sense the tense energies when I say this??  I've grown enough to know that this whole viewpoint keeps me trapped in a perception of victimhood… Continue reading Healing “Abandonment”

Affirmations and Invocations

Invocation to Divine Flow

Dear Spirit... My heart soars into the infinite, yearning to welcome all that brings sweet blessing into my life. But with so many choices, options, and opportunities, I am uncertain of which ever-flowing expressions best support my precious journey. I ask you to be my sight. Pierce through the veils of all shallow appearance, to… Continue reading Invocation to Divine Flow

Channeled Messages

Creating Our Reality

Because all experience is perfect and pure, no choice can ever be "better" than another, and judgment does not exist. All perception of lack, imbalance, and dis-ease is illusion. The TRUTH is that we are eternally supported. We hold the power of all infinite potential within, and we never compromise our security in order to… Continue reading Creating Our Reality


Medicine Woman Sings Her Song

It was a peaceful walk along the river’s edge. The breeze brought in whispers of voices that can only be heard by those who are pure of heart. It was these voices that led me forward, into the mystical chasm of time between time. My soul was connecting to the energies of this land, and… Continue reading Medicine Woman Sings Her Song

Channeled Messages

Possibilities: A Channeled Message

Dear Spirit, Please remind me of a greater truth. One that I have yet to recognize or fully understand. This world is filled with mysteries that have yet to be understood in fullness and truth. But let us begin with one that touches your heart today. Did you know that you need not exert yourself… Continue reading Possibilities: A Channeled Message

Channeled Messages

You Are Your Own Sovereign Authority

We are the Light of divine consciousness, in human form. It's true and yet we are only beginning to trust this truth as valid and certain for ourSelves. Dear Spirit, I ask for guidance and inspiration. Please share that which will inspire us now. In ancient days, all commonly recognized themselves as inherently sovereign and… Continue reading You Are Your Own Sovereign Authority

Channeled Messages

Custom Designed Realities

The door is open!!    The time is here!! Those who are ready to stand in light and truth are being offered opportunity after opportunity to stand in that light and truth!! They will bravely do so, not because it is an easy path, but because it is the path they choose. And, as trust… Continue reading Custom Designed Realities