Virtual Events

Beyond the Veil: Channeled Messages

A Sacred Online Event Join Alania for a special evening of divine channeling and inspired insights. She has created an opportunity for you to receive empowering messages from your spiritual guardians, in an intimate group setting. This sacred circle is open to only SIX participants!  By channeling insights and guidance directly from the highest realms… Continue reading Beyond the Veil: Channeled Messages

Virtual Events

Ascension Lightcodes LIVESTREAM

A Sacred Online Event This is such a sacred time for lightbody upgrades and ascension. The more we attune to higher frequencies of infinite potential, the more they become our reality. You are a radiant being of Light, having a beautifully human experience!   Join Alania Starhawk as she channels through Ascension Lightcodes to assist your soul's… Continue reading Ascension Lightcodes LIVESTREAM

Spirit Teachings

“Run Towards Your Dreams!”

These are the sweet words I woke up to. They were being whispered to me, by my divine guardians, as a comfort after the frustrating "dreams" that I was just waking up from. But the full message held a few additional words. The complete message said: "Run towards your dreams, not away from your nightmares."… Continue reading “Run Towards Your Dreams!”

Channeled Messages

Where Does Inspiration Come From?

When I'm inspired, there's a brilliance to everything I think and everything I create. One thought leads to another, until the world is filled with potential and possibility. The concepts of doubt and confusion become inconceivable because inspiration will always bring light to the darkest corners of my mind. But how do we summon this… Continue reading Where Does Inspiration Come From?


Have Faith in You!

Faith is a curious thing. It means so many different things to so many different people. And still, countless others utilize faith without ever knowing it. As a child, I was taught to have faith in God. But today, in my dreams, I was encouraged to have faith in my Self.  Spirit wasn't speaking of… Continue reading Have Faith in You!


“Let Me Be Your Voice!”

I remember the vision that finally encouraged me to trust in my sacred gift of clear sight and knowing. I remember the moment that I accepted myself to authentically be a divine channel and angelic messenger in this world. It was 2007. Up until that point, I was on a personal journey to find peace… Continue reading “Let Me Be Your Voice!”


Being “Earthly Divine”

Being part of this earthly experience does not separate us from our divinity. As children of Light, we are all infinite in our potential, whether we are in these physical bodies or not. I know this! Well, I know this at one very wise and enlightened level of awareness. There does, however, happen to be… Continue reading Being “Earthly Divine”

Expanding Consciousness

Embracing the Shadows of a Wounded Heart

I had honestly believed that the shadows of my wounded heart were behind me. I had believed that I triumphed through each momentary challenge that appeared and transmuted all to the light of love - in the best ways I knew how. But its quite possible that I only healed that which I was able… Continue reading Embracing the Shadows of a Wounded Heart

Expanding Consciousness

Healing an Ocean of Anger

I moved through a long moment, in my life, where small frustrations and injustices were mounting into larger infernos of rage within my soul. I am not an angry person by nature, but when we are faced with the inconceivable acts of disrespect, ignorance, and cruelty, over and over again, how long can we truly… Continue reading Healing an Ocean of Anger

Expanding Consciousness

Are you Living an EmPowered Life??

"Life" is a gift of opportunity and potential. It can serve as a path of mere existence or it can become animated by all we contribute to it each day. Perhaps it's vital to consider that Life (with a big L) is happening for us. It's responding to our emPowered direction and shaping itself to honor… Continue reading Are you Living an EmPowered Life??