Expanding Consciousness

One Final Rise Beyond “All Challenge”

I passionately run forward into the "everything" that awaits. The beauty, the bounty, and the love; I run towards it all. And yet, this intense forward motion seems to be a series of short sprints, rather than an epic marathon of uncompromising growth and expansion. Life always seems to reveal one attention-needing dynamic after another… Continue reading One Final Rise Beyond “All Challenge”

Expanding Consciousness

Healing an Ocean of Anger

I moved through a long moment, in my life, where small frustrations and injustices were mounting into larger infernos of rage within my soul. I am not an angry person by nature, but when we are faced with the inconceivable acts of disrespect, ignorance, and cruelty, over and over again, how long can we truly… Continue reading Healing an Ocean of Anger

Expanding Consciousness

Dreams of An Ancient Martyr

My dreams, last night, were filled with memories of the many relationships and situations in my life that felt less than supportive and nurturing. As a person that excels at being "positive" in life, I did my best to ignore those memories in the first half-dozen dreams. But the dreams went on and so did… Continue reading Dreams of An Ancient Martyr

Expanding Consciousness

Are You Sense-Driven??

How curious, that it has taken more than 4 decades to acknowledge that I am a sense-driven woman. I am fed, nurtured, inspired, ignited, and enriched by my senses!! They, perhaps alone, connect me to every extraordinary memory I can recall. Interesting and unusual colors, sounds, tastes, sights, and wonders. They all fascinate me!! I… Continue reading Are You Sense-Driven??

Expanding Consciousness

Are you Living an EmPowered Life??

"Life" is a gift of opportunity and potential. It can serve as a path of mere existence or it can become animated by all we contribute to it each day. Perhaps it's vital to consider that Life (with a big L) is happening for us. It's responding to our emPowered direction and shaping itself to honor… Continue reading Are you Living an EmPowered Life??

Expanding Consciousness

“Who Am I??”

The questioning begins - more deeply than I have ever known.   Perceptions of “Me” flitting through my mind-space,  enticing me to be at peace with only one beautiful aspect of mySelf or another.  It does not seem to be enough. In this sacred moment of supernal Being, it does not seem to be enough. My heart reaches further and further, to… Continue reading “Who Am I??”

Expanding Consciousness

Compassion for All Sexual Injustice

It's possible for a noble intent to become distorted in the emotions that carry us through. Hear me with an open heart. For it is not my human self that brings this message to us now. Divine Spirit has spoken to me so vividly. Their message: It's time for Healing and it's time for Love!!… Continue reading Compassion for All Sexual Injustice

Expanding Consciousness

Into the Eyes of My Beloved

I look into the eyes of each soul who approaches. "Are you my Beloved??", I ask silently, with hope in my heart. I am searching for that extra sparkle and shine, which will surely tell me that our souls have been dancing together throughout eternity. I've looked into a lot of eyes. I've found beauty… Continue reading Into the Eyes of My Beloved

Expanding Consciousness


I see the world as abundant, and every soul as over-flowing in abundance. This is my truth. It allows me to appreciate the gifts and blessings in all moments of extraordinary BEing, without attaching to definitions and expectations. The idea of "abundance" can be unique for each of us. It becomes a reflection of how… Continue reading Abundance

Expanding Consciousness

Detachment as A Practice

When life takes a different turn than you had expected, are you able to still love yourSelf?? Are you able to still be at peace with all that is unexpected, and perhaps even unwanted?? For those of us who are fighters, by indoctrinated nature, it's a bit difficult to release control of a situation and… Continue reading Detachment as A Practice